
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Little Word~Big Meaning

Seems that when I travel far distances I come home with a word or phrase that runs through my mind like a news ticker on the bottom the CNN television screen. Repeating over and over just as a tragedy is covered by the media and you just can't seem to get away from it.

My two weeks in California with my family was a great time of connection, sharing and exploration. While there I had some big questions for God regarding an area of my life which I feel He implanted me with a holy passion. He was very quiet.

Then I came home. I kept thinking of the questions I was asking God while in California and wondering what to think of His silence. Then a word, small at first, quiet, unobtrusive, was lingering in the shadows of my mind. I began to notice it's growing presence. Finally I stopped, acknowledged it and asked God if this was from Him...The powerful word: reThink.

God what do you mean? reThink what exactly? I sat with this word for a few days as it held me hostage. The ticker tape scrolling along endlessly: reThink ~ reThink ~ reThink.

David and I loved visiting my family and fell in love with the beauty of the northern California coastline. He hopes we can make it out there once a year. We could do that, if we would reThink the way we spend money.

I have some friends I rarely get to spend time with. I miss them, their laughter and the wisdom they infuse into me. I wish I had more time to hang out. We could if I would reThink how I use my limited time.

High cholesterol runs deep in my paternal family line. So it was no surprise when my doctor told me that mine was well over 220. Thankfully my good cholesterol is so high that it off sets the badness of my bad cholesterol. But, my doctor said, I must keep eating smart and continue regular exercise in order to keep the ratios in the "good" zone. So, I need to reThink my eating and activity patterns. (They've gotten a little sloppy since my vacation.)

Back to these big questions I had for God regarding this holy passion He's set into my heart. Yup, the direction I was moving with it, well I feel He's suggesting I reThink that too. The passion is, in the context of community, help people discover the creativity God planted in every person, encourage development of this Divine gift and cheer them on as they meet God in a new dimension while they move out into the world with what they create. I feel God say don't steer this passion away from the church. But instead, reThink it. Direct this passion towards and into the church. And just the other day, He's givien me opportunities to implement this vision at Living Word!

reThink. Seven perfectly lined up letters with much power to change the world. At least, my little world. And God speaks again. One tiny word with so much meaning. reThink. So now when I have thoughts about anything, I stop and think again. Being more aware of His guidance I plan to move with Him instead of moving on my own.

What would God be asking you to reThink? Or is there a different word that keeps bouncing around the hallows of your mind? A word that maybe should have your attention...


Lauren said...

God is so cool, isn't he? I love how he speaks to us in such big ways, when we are not even expecting it. And I love the idea of reThinking!
: ) Lauren

Jane said...

reThink....this is a great word and Im so excited that you could hear it. It is so difficult, for me, to discern the words I "hear". Are they coming from me and my wants for a differt direction, or are they really of God? Thanks for this writing...very insightful!

Carol said...

Hey deAnn,
You know, I have been reading and re-reading this post, just kind of sitting with it. I wasn't sure where it was taking me and then I realized that I have been rethinking many things lately in my life. The main themes seem to be "simplify" and "declutter". Time to get rid of all those "things" that I thought meant so much and just had to have and now am realizing that I haven't used those "things" in years. Time to get rid of all of the noise too. Silence is a beautiful thing. Time to get rid of all of the negative thoughts too, declutter the mind.....