
Friday, July 6, 2007

Thinking is Dangerous

I've been thinking...can a person be both Lazy and a Super Achiever at the same time?

Let's define "lazy" ~ unwilling to do any work or make an effort. Encarta Dictionary of North America.

Now let's define "achiever" (and we'll just add super ourselves) ~ somebody who is successful and motivated to go on being successful. Encarta Dictionary of North America.

These words seem to be polar opposites. How can you be both? It's funny, I sometimes feel that I am both. For example, I become passionate about something and I move forward full force. Then after a while I get tired, loose interest or something then become what I feel is lazy. This is a character trait that drives me mad. I'll have a whole day to myself and dream up all kinds of cool things I want to do (run, paint, write, read) then reality hits - I see the pile of dishes in my sink and the basket filled with dirty clothes and carpets that need to be vacuumed. So, I choose to do the chores instead of doing the things I wanted to do - being creative.

Then I get bummed and with that comes the sensation of laziness. It's such a strange cycle. Life happens and we must be there to tidy up. But I am still searching for the balance between my normal duties as a mom/wife and allowing the creative artist in me to emerge and develop.

So, I'm going to conduct an experiment - no more housework for me! I'll swing the pendulum far to the other direction and see how that works. I will commit to acknowledge my creativity and instead of folding laundry I'll create. And I'm not talking about creating a nicely stacked pile of folded clothes. I've said NO to my creative right brain long enough. Laziness will no longer be an excuse. I am going for a run right after I the grocery store...

1 comment:

Carol said...

Hey dee,
I think I'll join you! :)