
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mid Week Lament

When do I let go?
When do I fight?
The desires of my heart
are sobbing tonight.

Not sure what to do
they stand and wait
for the powerful ones
that hold their fate.

The familiar verse
sprouts in my mind
as always at times
when I feel blind.

Wait patiently for the Lord
be brave and courageous
Yes, wait patiently for the Lord

Brave? Courageous?
I'm trying my Lord
and yet, wait patiently?
I am filling with discord.

You see my life's story
You know what is next
I trust You Lord Jesus
to do what is best.

So, I will sit and wait patiently
I'll be brave and courageous too
Yes, I will wait patiently my Lord,
I will wait
for You.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Those desires of your heart? Remember, He is the one that placed them there and He would never ever ever set you up to fail...He loves you and perhaps now He is waiting on you....
Love ya,