I haven't posted on this blog in so long that I had to stop and think what my user name and password is just to log on! Pathetic, huh? I was in a very busy season at work, so busy that it put me in the hospital (my theory, anyhow).
Sunday, 8/10 I came home from church and had a low grade headache. By the late afternoon my head pain had grown intense and familiar symptoms cropped up. I hopped online to see how likely it is to have viral meningitis a second time, as the symptom I had were the same as those I suffered in January 2000. Sure enough, once you have it - you are more likely to get it again. And on this Sunday, I knew I'd be going into the hospital the next day, if I made it through the night without a sooner trip. Ugh.
Monday morning came after a night of severe head pain, nausea, sensitivity to light, sound and movement, high fever, and neck and back pain. I went to my family doctor and she directed me right to the emergency department. But she wouldn't let me drive up the street to the hospital and my husband was on jury duty all day. I took a chance and texted David and thankfully he was just leaving the courthouse.
I arrived in the E.D. dressed to be admitted in my comfy sweatpant shorts and teeshirt, no make up and hair in a ponytail on top of my head, all ready out of the way for the pending projectile vomiting that I knew was in my future. Since this is my second time with this lovely illness, I knew what medications work well. Torodol (for pain) and Zofran (for nausea). But before they would dish out the good stuff, they felt they couldn't trust my word and have to do a lumbar puncture to be certain they were dealing with viral meningitis and not the deadly cousin, bacterial meningitis. I'm not real fond of having a needle in my spine tapping out the fluid that keeps my brain moist, but I new I couldn't get out of it. My biggest fear was either passing out or throwing up with that needle in my spine! But I was a big girl and did really well. The fluid was clear - good news - stating that I did NOT have the bacterial version.
Morphine and percocet didn't work on my pain, they only made me feel worse. Fortunately I was in an "isolation" room in the E.D. so it was quiet and dark. When you have viral meningitis, light is an enemy. Sound is an enemy, and even smells and movement are enemies. I was so sick. My husband came in with a cup of coffee and I couldn't stand the smell of it. He poured it out.
Long story short - I spent three days in the hospital and called four rooms "home" while there. Since being home, I've had good days and bad days. Today was my first day driving and I have to tell you - it wasn't fun. The medication makes me dizzy and I didn't realize
how dizzy until I got behind the wheel of my Subaru! I walked around Rite Aid like I had forgotten why I was there or even how I got there. I'm sure the security cameras would be very entertaining to view. This feeling freaked me out! However, I managed to get home safely. Whew, I was exhausted, so I took a long nap. I didn't realize how weak I had become. Viral meningitis is one nasty illness and I pray that I never have to deal with it again. Twice is more than anyone needs in their life time.
Strangely, I feel so un-myself right now. I hope that changes soon. I wonder if there is anything I need to do or can do to feel more like myself? Guess that will come in time and with continued healing...
Thanks to all my friends that prayed big time for me! Grace & peace, deAnn