I never knew my son thought of God, even when he was still "little."
He continued with his ideas of God. He told me another story..."then there was a time a while back, that I pictured God as a little Man who liked to sit on me. God would hang out on my shoulders, down my arms, on my head, on my feet, back and legs. He went with me everywhere and he kept me company. We'd talk a lot. It was nice - I felt protected because He was all over me."
I sat there on the bed listening to my son's young spiritual journey with God. He let me in to the depths of his tender heart. I was on holy ground at that very moment.
My son's next experience with God is my favorite..."It's silly, but I used to think my heart was the shape of a valentine heart. I know that it's not... I learned that in science class. But I thought my heart was shaped like a valentine and it had a little door with a welcome mat below it. One day, Jesus walked up to my door with His suitcase. He looked down at the welcome mat and decided to knock. I opened the door and He moved in. He brought His TV and furniture and stuff." What an amazing visual!! Jesus moved in and made Himself "at home" in my son's heart.
The evening was getting late and well past my son's bedtime, but he had one more story for me. This is how he experiences God today...as an early teen. "Now, God is like a close friend. We'll just hang out together and I will hear Him say, 'so, do you want to talk about anything?' and I'll talk. Then I'll listen to Him talk. It's really cool." Oh my, as I type this, tears of joy fill my eyes. I felt so honored to have heard his journey and how he's responded to the Holy Spirit in his young life. I just pray that my son always has a sensitive spirit to recognize God's voice and presence and will respond to Him in ways that bring glory to our Lord. It was awesome!
Listening to my son reminded me of the ways I thought about God as a child. My journey and my son's journey are much the same. My mind was always filled with thoughts and feelings about God - even though I was not brought up in God-aware home. Nonetheless, He was with me. He knocked on my heart's door and He moved in a long time ago.
How about you? What does your spiritual journey reflect? What was the first time you experienced God in your life? How can you approach Jesus in a simple child-like way?
"The people brought children to Jesus, hoping He might touch them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus was irate and let them know it: "Don't push these children away. Don't ever get between them and Me. These children are at the very center of life in the Kingdom. Mark this: Unless you accept God's Kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in." Then, gathering the children up in His arms, He laid His hands of blessing on them." Mark 10:13-16, The Message
Ah, if we could always walk with a child-like faith...
grace & peace ~ deAnn