
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Published! Wow...

When I was in the hospital in August, I received an email from an editor of an interfaith prayer journal publication. They liked a particular post on my Vertical Creativity blog and asked if they could publish it in their October/November prayer journal, Scared Journey. Needless to say, as I lay, full of pain, in York Hospital, I was delighted and honored at her request. Later she contacted me again and asked if she could publish a photo I had on my blog as well - a photo of a sculpture I created through prayer in May 2007 called Tilted Vessel. Again, I said, "sure!" and was honored at the opportunity. Yet, even later - she emailed me and said that my sculpture photo looks fabulous as the cover for that issue. THE COVER?! Wow - how cool is that?

When the finished copies arrived in the mail early this month, I was shocked to see that I'm also quoted under their section titled, "Illuminations." Something I said is considered to be illuminating??? Insane!
If you'd like to read the post they published, you can see it on the Sacred Journey web page.

I can't help but think how gracious and gently our God is - He knew I needed a little encouragement to keep writing or to think I have anything to offer - so He lined up Sacred Journey to contact me about my written work. But didn't stop there. He lined them up to use my artistic work (the sculpture) and my photographic work (the actual image I took of my sculpture.)
Now, I just need to reflect on this example whenever I feel paralyzed or think that my creativity doesn't matter. It matters to God and He'll use it in the most amazing and surprising ways - if we only push through and create.
Grace & peace on the journey...deAnn